Monday, May 25, 2009

Free Speech

Always remember -- the right to free speech does not equate to the right to be heard. So while I have allowed Psycho to have a few platforms here with which to rant, I and the others do not have to post anything this pathetic person decides to rave about, nor do we have to let him foam on ANB's blog. It is apparently a concept lost on our resident nutter, who lives to look for ANB on the Internet, no matter where that may be.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Psycho Stalker FAIL!

I could use that title for every post I make about our favorite nutter. Today's installment could also be entitled, "If psycho had full frontal lobes, he could appreciate irony." Without further delay, see a recent rant of many.

So Psycho, do you consider it normal behavior to waste your days and nights desperately trying to attack AstroNerdBoy by doing "moronic genius" things such as registering insulting names on forums, spamming wiki sites, spamming forums, spamming e-mails, reading everything ANB has to say no matter where it is on the Internet, and spamming ANB's comments? If a psychiatrist examined you and learned that you've been doing the same old rants for four years or more, do you think he'd classify such behavior as sane or insane? If you did have a full set of frontal lobes, you'd understand just how much ANB owns your ass and how much all of us who've joined ANB's side make you jump to our tune. Since you don't have the lobes and can't appreciate irony, rant away, psycho. Everytime you do, know this -- AstroNerdBoy wins.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Psycho Gets Smarter After Two Years

Check out this latest rant from our favorite pyscho.

So what's loser talking about? Simple. Whenever someone posts a comment to a Blogspot blog, the owner and those the owner gives privilages to can see comments. They show up like this.

So now ANB or myself (since I have access to his blog) sees there is a comment. Next is to click on the appropriate link which results in the following:

Notice how there's a preview of text. Psycho loser never could figure that out until now, which is what he's refering to in his rant. This is where I would expand and archive the rant in image form for ANB.

Psycho needed to drive his point home by sending this:

Isn't Psycho ever so clever? He's so desperate for ANB to acknowledge him and read his stuff that after two years, he finally realizes how he gives himself away. Psycho fool still hasn't caught on to the fact that all I have to do is glance at a post, even as small as this, and see it for what it is -- not publishable material. Psycho can't really change his writing style too much to try to fool me because then no one would know it was him. So all I have to do is glance at the comments and look for profanity. That can be done without reading the comments, even though I do read them because I get to see a prime example of a pathetic psycho.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It Is So Patheticly Sad

I keep wondering what kind of life this psycho must live to actively seek out anything out there about ANB just so he can spam it. By the time we got out to that site, LiveJournal Bot had already removed the offending stuff psycho had written. The history showed us what had been done though -- he basically wrote what he always writes, but changed it to the first person as if ANB wrote it about himself.

Well, guess what psycho loser? ANB isn't going to stop posting, so you lose no matter what.